Batch Safety Testing
Harmonisation of criteria to waive Target Animal Batch Safety Testing for live vaccines for veterinary use
Batch Safety Testing
VICH GL55 (Biologicals - TABST live vaccines) - May 2017 - for implementation in the regions at Step 7 by May 2018
Harmonisation of criteria to waive Laboratory Animal Batch Safety Testing for vaccines for veterinary use
Batch Safety Testing
VICH GL 59 (Biologicals: LABST veterinary vaccines) - November 2020 - for implementation in the regions at Step 7 by November 2021
Harmonisation of criteria to waive target animal batch safety testing for inactivated vaccines for veterinary use (Revision at Step 9)
Batch Safety Testing
VICH GL50 (R) (Biologicals - TABST inactivated vaccines) - May 2017 - for implementation in the regions at Step 7 by May 2018