2. Report by the SC on issues raised by Outreach Forum members during the 7th Outreach Forum meeting and the 33rd VICH SC in Brussels in June 2016
3. Report by OIE on their activities concerning VMPs since the last VICH Outreach Forum
4. Report from SC discussions on proposed new topics from VOF
- Development and guidance on stability to address climatic zones III and IV: FDA
- Efficacy studies for combination products: JMAFF
5. 1st Group Discussion of individual VICH Outreach Forum member questions
- Feed-back of training Workshops on good regulatory practice for the marketing authorisation of veterinary products (VPs) in India: IFAH-Europe
- Update of results of survey on priorities: OIE
- Registration of veterinary products in developing countries - Differences with VICH member countries - Acceptance of studies conducted according to VICH GLs - What can be done to help with such acceptance by more countries: Argentina/CAMEVET
7. 2nd Group Discussion of individual VICH Outreach Forum member questions - View of VOF member on their needs and ideas on:
- Pharmacovigilance: FDA
- Local strategies on registration of antimicrobials: EU
9. Registration systems in:
- Argentina
- Benefits and challenges of regulatory collaborations for veterinary drug submission in Canada (CAHI / Health Canada), Australia and NZ
10. Specific issues
- Assessment of premix for medicated feed - regulation in New Zealand: NZMPI
- Strategic plans for the control of AMR: Argentina / EU
- VICH GL 54 (Safety-Acute Reference Dose): FDA
- Registration requirements for vaccines - Strategies to implement VICH GLs: JMAFF
- VICH Public Conference 6 - Invitation to VOF members: SA