
Conference Documents

Session 1 - Welcome and Opening
VICH 7 Session 1: Welcome and Opening, VICH 7 Conference

Rick Clayton

Session 2 - Keynote Addresses
VICH 7 Session 2: Keynote Addresses

Why WOAH is a strong advocate of VICH? - M. Szabo
How is VICH responding to global needs in a new era? - M. Lucia
VICH achievements - H. Marion

Session 3 - VICH moving forwards
VICH 7 Session 3: VICH moving forwards

Restructuring (and future vision) - S. Iwamoto
VICH workplan - M. Churchill
The view of a VICH Forum member - Y. Kosenko

Session 4 - How VICH guidelines are developed, implemented and used
VICH 7 Session 4: How VICH guidelines are developed, implemented and used

How VICH guidelines are developed, implemented and used - B. Boenisch
How VICH guidelines implement the 3Rs in safety studies - E. Werner
Challenges and perspectives in adopting VICH guidelines in VICH Forum countries/regions and how to overcome them - A. Ogutu

Session 6 - New or revised VICH GLs
VICH 7 Session 6: New or revised VICH GLs

GL topic 1: anthelmintics - A. Phillippi-Taylor
GL topic 2: Good manufacturing practice for active pharmaceutical ingredients - M. Huynh
GL topic 3: pharmaceutical development - M. Huynh

Session 7 - Opportunities from international guidelines and regional collaborations
VICH 7 Session 7: Opportunities from international guidelines and regional collaboration

International collaborations - M. Bassi
GMP Inspections Reliance Programmes and Mutual Recognition Agreements - G. Verdier & P. Krauze
Regional collaboration and mutual reliance - I. Ravengai

Session 8 - Technical challenges
VICH 7 Session 8: Technical Challenges

New science in veterinary biologics - K. Sato
New science and reduction in the use of experimental animals - S. Adler-Flindt
Real world evidence and big data - R. Carapeto