
All documents

VICH/24/048-Final - Concept Paper on a VICH Guideline on a Global Regulatory Dossier Framework for pharmaceutical Veterinary Medicinal Product (VMP) applications
Concept Papers

November 2024

VICH/23/038-Final - Criteria to be used for determining whether a VICH member country can change membership category in the new VICH structures
Procedural Guidance

VICH/23/038-Final (November 2023)

VICH/00/154-rev4-Fin (November 2024) - Policy on Consultation at Step 4
Procedural Guidance

VICH/00/154-rev4-Fin (November 2024) - Policy on Consultation at Step 4

Summary report of the 17th VICH Forum meeting (11 & 12 November 2024) - VICH/24/066-Final
Vich Outreach Forum Minutes

Download Summary report of the 17th VICH Forum meeting (11 & 12 November 2024) - VICH/24/066-Final

VICH/14/013 - Final - Implementation of VICH guidelines
Procedural Guidance

VICH/14/013 - Final - Implementation of VICH guidelines

Session 1 - Welcome and Opening
VICH 7 Session 1: Welcome and Opening, VICH 7 Conference

Rick Clayton

Session 2 - Keynote Addresses
VICH 7 Session 2: Keynote Addresses

Why WOAH is a strong advocate of VICH? - M. Szabo
How is VICH responding to global needs in a new era? - M. Lucia
VICH achievements - H. Marion