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VICH/24/048-Final - Concept Paper on a VICH Guideline on a Global Regulatory Dossier Framework for pharmaceutical Veterinary Medicinal Product (VMP) applications
November 2024
VICH/23/038-Final - Criteria to be used for determining whether a VICH member country can change membership category in the new VICH structures
VICH/23/038-Final (November 2023)
43rd VICH SC meeting
VICH/00/154-rev4-Fin (November 2024) - Policy on Consultation at Step 4
VICH/00/154-rev4-Fin (November 2024) - Policy on Consultation at Step 4
Summary report of the 17th VICH Forum meeting (11 & 12 November 2024) - VICH/24/066-Final
Download Summary report of the 17th VICH Forum meeting (11 & 12 November 2024) - VICH/24/066-Final
VICH/14/013 - Final - Implementation of VICH guidelines
VICH/14/013 - Final - Implementation of VICH guidelines
EWGs Posters exhibited during the Conference
Steering Committee
Anthelmintics EWG
Bioequivalence EWG
Biologicals EWG
Biologicals EWG Subgroups
Medicated Premixes EWG
Pharmaceutical Combination Products EWG
Pharmacovigilance EWG
Quality EWG
Quality EWG Subgroups
Safety EWG
Session 1 - Welcome and Opening
Session 2 - Keynote Addresses
Why WOAH is a strong advocate of VICH? - M. Szabo
How is VICH responding to global needs in a new era? - M. Lucia
VICH achievements - H. Marion