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VICH/IN/13/015 - Concept Paper from FDA for the revision of VICH Anthelmintics GLs
Concept Papers
August 2013
Télécharger VICH/IN/13/015 - Concept Paper from FDA for the revision of VICH Anthelmintics GLs
VICH/IN/10/014-Final - Concept Paper from IFAH-Europe for the revision of VICH GL3 (R)
Concept Papers
August 2013
VICH/10/057-fin-rev - Concept Paper for the Establishment of an Electronic Standards Implementation of Adverse Event Reports Expert Working Group
Concept Papers
October 2010
VICH/IN/10/012 - VICH Bioequivalence: The VICH blood level BE Guideline: Summary of TF Perspectives
Concept Papers
June 2010
VICH/10/050 - VICH Bioequivalence: Concept Paper on the establishment of an Expert Working Group to elaborate the requirements to demonstrate bioequivalence of veterinary pharmaceuticals by blood level studies
Concept Papers
July 2010
VICH/IN/09/002-rev - Draft Concept Paper for the Harmonisation of the Target Animal Batch Safety Test for immunological veterinary medicinal products
Concept Papers
February 2009
VICH/IN/09/001 - Concept Paper on the proposed initiative to develop VICH guidance for studies that would establish an Acute Reference Dose for veterinary drug residues in food
Concept Papers
January 2009
VICH/IN/09/003 - Concept Paper on the Establishment of an Expert Working Group to Elaborate the Requirements to Demonstrate Bioequivalence
Concept Papers
January 2009
VICH/IN/08/022-rev - Concept Paper requesting Revision of the GL 36
Concept Papers
December 2008
Télécharger VICH/IN/08/022-rev - VICH Concept Paper requesting Revision of the GL 36