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Climatic Zone III / IV Stability Guideline - Prof. H. Leng
VICH 6 Session 6: New VICH GLs
Download Leng-Climatic-Zone-III-IV-Presentation_FINAL_4_02_2019
Combination Products GL - Ms. B. Robinson
VICH 6 Session 6: New VICH GLs
New MRK GLs - Aquatic species and honey - Dr. S. Scheid
VICH 6 Session 6: New VICH GLs
A public, private partnership to expedite product registrations - Ms. M. Churchill
VICH 6 Session 7: African Regional Activities
The Zazibona work sharing experience in the SADC region - Dr. Z. Makoni
VICH 6 Session 7: African Regional Activities
Pharmacovigilance - the East Africal electronic system of reporting - Dr. N. Aineplan
VICH 6 Session 7: African Regional Activities
Regulatory perspective on global trends in veterinary biologics - Dr. B. Rippke
VICH 6 Session 8: Global Perspectives
Why global regulatory convergence is important - Dr. S. Thevasagayam
VICH 6 Session 8: Global Perspectives
VOF expectations - Dr. A. Teko-Agbo
VICH 6 Session 9: Expectations for VICH