Pharma Efficacy
Estudio de bioequivalencia del nivel sanguíneo
VICH GL52 (Bioequivalencia) - Octubre 2015 - Implementado en agosto de 2016
El documento explicativo complementario al VICH GL52VICH GL52
Recomendaciones específicas para aves de corral
VICH GL21 (Antihelmínticos: Aves de corral) Junio 2001 - Implementado en julio de 2002
Recomendaciones específicas para felinos
VICH GL20 (Antihelmínticos: Feline) Junio 2001 - Implementado en julio de 2002
Efficacy of Anthelmintics : Specific Recommendations for Canine
VICH GL19 (Anthelmintics: Canine) June 2001 - Implemented in July 2002
Efficacy of Anthelmintics : Specific Recommendations for Swine
VICH GL16 (Anthelmintics: Swine) June 2001 - Implemented in July 2002
Efficacy of Anthelmintics : Specific Recommendations for Equine
VICH GL15 (Anthelmintics: Equine) June 2001 - Implemented in July 2002
Efficacy of Anthelmintics : Specific Recommendations for Caprines
VICH GL14 (Anthelmintics: Caprines) November 1999 - Implemented in June 2001
Efficacy of Anthelmintics : Specific Recommendations for Bovines
VICH GL12 (Anthelmintics: Bovines) November 1999 - Implemented in June 2001
Efficacy of Anthelmintics: General Requirements
VICH GL7 (Anthelmintics General) November 2000 - Implemented in June 2001
Efficacy of Anthelmintics : Specific Recommendations for Ovines
VICH GL13 (Anthelmintics: Ovines) November 1999 - Implemented in June 2001
Buenas prácticas clínicas
VICH GL9 (GCP) Junio 2000 - Implementado en julio de 2001